Semi-classical string tunnelling

Orador: Sérgio Giardino. Data, hora e local: 29 de Setembro de 2015, às 11h30m na sala de reuniões do Departamento de Matemática. Resumo: We will discuss the use of the semi-classical method proposed by Minahan (hep-th/0209047) for studying the pulsating string. We use this method to quantize and calculate the tunnelling rate of the pulsating…

Some history of Latin squares in experiments

Oradora: R. A. Bailey (University of St Andrews and Queen Mary, University of London). Data, hora e local: 22 de Setembro de 2015, às 16h na sala de reuniões do Departamento de Matemática. Resumo: In the 1920s, R. A. Fisher recommended Latin squares for crop experiments. However, there is evidence of their much earlier use…

Geometric properties of generalized Struve functions

Orador: Nihat Yagmur (Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Erzincan University). Data, hora e local: 8 de Setembro de 2015, das 14h30m às 15h30m na sala de reuniões do Departamento de Matemática. Resumo: In the present work our object is to establish some geometric properties (like univalence, starlikeness, convexity and close-to-convexity) for the…