A note on the spectral deformation of harmonic maps from the two-sphere into the unitary group

Orador: Bruno Simões (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa / CMAF). Data, hora e local: 4 de Junho de 2015, início às 15h na sala de reuniões do Departamento de Matemática.

Resumo: The simplest harmonic maps from the two sphere into the unitary group are the isotropic ones. Using Morse theory, Burstall and Guest showed that the harmonic maps are partitioned into classes labeled by the isotropic ones. In this work, we describe explicitly this procedure, showing how all harmonic maps can be built from the isotropic ones.

Funded by the Portuguese Government through the FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia under the project UID/MAT/00212/2013


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